I'm a natural medium and intuitive sensitive who's dedicated to helping you find comfort, clarity, and spiritual connection. My purpose is to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, providing evidence of after-life existence and messages of comfort with plenty of love, humour and respect for this uplifting process.


As a psychic I used my natural gift of extra sensory perception to provide unique intuitive data that helps to bring clarity, wisdom, knowledge and insight.


I’ve spend most of my life understanding and integrating the gift of extra sensory perception. Gaining acceptance clarity and mastery over that ability has been challenging at times but deeply rewarding.


After a serious illness in my late 20’s I sought spiritual mentors who guided me in accessing and working with expanded states of awareness. Through this training I revisited the near death experiences I had as a child, gaining new perspectives that allowed me to understand early spiritual awakenings and the profound perceptual shifts they triggered.


With patience and discipline I began to embrace and work with natural expanded states of consciousness. Gradually I learned how to access and use the multi-sensory input I experience as a gifted person to help others. Today I share access to insights from the spiritual realms, opening minds to the universal truth that there is far more to this life than meets the eye.


Outside of my spiritual work I love to paint, sip hot chocolate with friends and travel. I’m also deeply inspired by my involvement in recovery communities and I maintain an active life style through health, fitness and a regular gym practice.


Each reading that I offer is a unique opportunity to connect, heal and awaken to new perspectives that can transform not only how you see yourself but what you do in the world.


If you feel ready to explore life beyond the ordinary, uncover insight and take the next step towards a transformative experience, I invite you to begin your journey by getting in touch so that you can discover the wisdom, comfort, clarity and confidence that is waiting for you.